Archive for December 3rd, 2008

Natural Consequences

in ditchI started this project blog on the first of October, with the belief that after a number of initial hurdles to overcome, we were in a position to execute the requirements and begin OT at first unit in Oct 2009.

All that changed on Nov 21st.  If I had a decision memo I could point to that articulated the rationale behind the manner in which things were stopped, I would.  The decisions were reached largely through e-mail that eventually made it to me, but I won’t share that e-mail in this forum.

I do, however, want to make sure the team is aware of the impact of the change of course.  I know you’re struggling with the immediate impacts on the people whose lives and work was just turned upside down.  None of us expected to be spending the holiday season this way.

We’re still at the beginning stages of defining Plan D, but it was important for me to inform senior leadership that we cannot meet the timeline described in the MS 1 brief.  That same timeline was reflected an all subsequent plans, from the PORD, to the PMP, and OSC’s IMS.

Now that we’ve gotten here in this way, there’s no quick or simple fix. If someone thinks they have one, send it along — I’m open to ideas!

I signed a Digest for the PEO to inform him of the impacts.  Once it is signed by my supervisor, I’ll add a link to it. I didn’t want there to be surprises the first time I brief that we can’t meet the timeline from the MS 1 brief.

I’ve pasted the text below of the version I signed.  If you have any questions about it, feel free to add comment, or e-mail me directly at  Forgive the formatting in this forum.  It’ll be easier to read when I link the signed Digest.


From:  CG-9334                                                 03 Dec 2008

To:    CG-93
Thru:  CG-933

Re:    Impact of 21 Nov 2008 Decision to Develop New CG-LIMS Acquisition Strategy

1. The CG-LIMS Sponsor Deputy, CG-4d, recently expressed grave concerns over the CG-LIMS acquisition strategy and software selection process.  The resulting decision to stop and reassess the project has significant cost, schedule and risk implications.  Some of the high level impacts are below.

2. Immediate impacts:

a. Work processes, data, and products developed at OSC over the past year, including software evaluation and recommendations, will not be completed. Work related to the evaluation and procurement of COTS software must be redone.

b. OSC SDA knowledge and experience gained from the one time transition of ICGS hardware and software to OSC will be diluted or lost.

c. Government and contractor personnel who accumulated project experience and training may be reassigned or terminated.

d. Development of a new acquisition strategy may delay the project a year.

(1) The basic acquisition strategy used to obtain an industry proven COTS EAM IT tool must be validated or changed to meet Sponsor and HCA requirements.

(2) Additional time will be required to refine PORD requirements to a level of detail necessary for a government ORD and RFP.  The requirements must clearly document characteristics of an IT system that meets Sponsor’s expectations.

(3) Other documentation, such as new CG-LIMS specific AP, APB, PMP, TEMP and ILSP
must be completed to reflect the new acquisition strategy.

(4) As a standalone IT acquisition over $2.5M, CG-LIMS will require additional DHS review and approval.  The project had been included in the OSC FY09 submission, but as a standalone project it will receive additional scrutiny that will lengthen acquisition timelines.

(5) CG-6 designated OSC as CG-LIMS SDA. The current contract vehicle for all OSC development work is the SETS II contract.  An alternate acquisition strategy may require a different SDA or the redefinition of OSC business processes.

3. Future impacts and emerging project risks include:

a. Increasing software acquisition and licensing costs.

b. Additional production and deployment delays for the first and subsequent increments.

c. Increasing costs to maintain legacy systems.

4. As I develop a new approach and acquisition strategy, I will constantly evaluate the cost, schedule, and risks needed to successfully acquire CG-LIMS. I will keep you advised  of all significant developments.  I am available to brief you if desired.