DCO recorded meetings as demo / training tool?

I don't know who put this on my blackboard, but it’s a really good idea. | Flickr - Amit GuptaMost of the folks who read this blog are in the Coast Guard, so when we want to do screensharing for a meeting or training, we use LiveMeeting.

When we need to bring in DoD folks, or when LiveMeeting is down, I’ve reached for Defense Connect Online, and it’s a great tool. The links below require a login. If you don’t have one, Coast Guard folks can register with your CAC here:


In addition to being used for meetings, I’ve noticed several programs that are using it to record presentations and training sessions. This may be a tool we can use for a very low cost complement to face-to-face marketing and training efforts.

I scrolled through the list and picked a couple at random to take a sample of what could be done. There are several that start with GFEBS, which is the Army’s SAP implementation.

Here’s a pointer to the list of public recordings:

And here are two to give you a sense of what’s being done today with simple, available technology.

“GCSS-J PACFLT 2010.08.27”

“Keys for successful execution in GFEBS”

My point isn’t to ask you to sit through two hours of someone else’s meeting, but rather to ask you to take a look to see how other programs are using the tools to extend the reach of a demonstration or of training.

Food for thought. Yum.

2 Responses to “DCO recorded meetings as demo / training tool?”

  1. 1 stephen.l.sielbeck October 25, 2010 at 8:11 am

    Classification: UNCLASSIFIED

    I like the way the chat comments and questions were captured in the recorded DCO presentations. It was nice read the questions before or as the speaker addressed them.

  2. 2 daniel.p.taylor October 25, 2010 at 11:43 am

    Classification: UNCLASSIFIED

    @David — I appreciate the comment!

    LiveMeeting sits behind a firewall as well as part of the Coast Guard’s CGOne intranet. It has that going for it, but unfortunately we can’t use it to share with DoD folks.

    I also found that although it has the ability to record meetings, you can’t share them the way you can with DCO.


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